Ok everybody, don't listen to a thing I say! I'm just spreading rumours, that's all. There is NO water shortage expected. Everyone did go and stock up like I said, and the stores were empty of water bottles and such, that's all true. The original water-shortage scare, however, was based on faulty information.
The real story, from the same Chinese friend who gave me the original story, is (
appaaaaarently) this:
There was no chemical plant explosion that contaminated the water supply. There was a
fire in a
plastics factory, and people were
worried that it might cause contamination, but that was ruled out as a possibility. Not ruled out quickly enough to stop the rumor mill, though, it seems.
Anyway, my apartment now has 12 bottles of grapefruit juice, 13 bottles of sweet jasmine tea, 6 packets of wet wipes (for water-free hygiene) and every available watertight container, including the blender, filled with tap water for the long and hard and , uh, arduous... uh... yeah, there's no water shortage.
Everything's still fine. Goodnight.
(P.S.: Not
everyone's ok. Still send money to the Red Cross.)