Wednesday, January 06, 2010

Blogging every day, Rain in Bangkok

I'm going to blog every day for a little while.
Today it rained heavily. In Bangkok. I'm still living in Bangkok, for those of you who haven't been following. I forgive you, since there hasn't been much to follow - here, anyway. I do (usually) reply to e-mails, so you can always keep tabs on me that way if you need to. It makes me feel loved too, so please don't hesitate to break out the old web-based e-mail client and send me some love.

But back to the rain. It rained heavily, which was wonderful. I opened all the windows and doors in the apartment and let the fresh and heavy and blessedly cool tropical air sweep through this little place. It's nice to remember that the air is, by definition, tropical air in Bangkok, even on the days it feels like dirty old hot city air. Today it felt like gloriously fresh tropical storm air. It's not the rainy season here in Bangkok now, so rain is pretty rare. I went out and walked in it with an umbrella, but I got all wet anyway.

The end. Please feel welcome to check back if you're interested. I really will blog every day for the next little while.


1 comment:

Bike Nerd said...

Welcome back to bloggage, Matt. You've got in me a regular reader.

For me, it's nice to remember that, even though these days Boston has face-biting, sleep-inside-a-taunton air, it really is, by definition, not that cold.

Also, fun fact: They're installing new TVs in the Monitor newsroom for the second time in three months. Apparently the ones we had had intermittent audio issues, even though you'd never know it because all six of them are always on mute (and always on).