Thursday, September 29, 2005

For PinksandRoses

Here we go: my first fulfilled request! This one is for Pinksandroses, who I've never had the pleasure of meeting, but who is still a regular reader, which I'm pretty flattered by, honestly. Basically, the people I don't "know" are pretty much the best contributors to this blog. Which leads me to ask, where are you at, people like... Popester? Betty? Jo? Boat Night? Andrew Heining? Marina? Alexia? Ruru? Eschenroeders? even Hershel, you're not technically a first-hand friend, I know, but I'd still love to play a request for you. So, party people: let me know your requests, and I'll give you crappy versions of them. It's as simple as that. Now, for Pinksandroses (who I'll be referring to as Jessyca from now on) here's my just-learned-this-song rendition of Alive in this Moment, by Starfield. Party on.

DJ Mathematics

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(The picture is me and Karen Prager jamming at family camp in Maine a month ago. Even though it seems like a year ago.)


jenni~ru said...

Matt, 'In thisMoment' is a beautiful song and you played it wonderfully. I'll have to come back and listen to it again later. Jessyca pick a great request.
And I understand your missing certain people on blogger, I have the same problem on mine, there just seems to be a couple people missing on mine lately too...but I still love you, even if we've never met! Have a great night.

khris said...

matt, is that me, or it looks like you're playing what we brazilians call it "cavaquinho", which means, a smaller version of a guitar :P

and, needless to say, you playing guitar = rock on!!!

Anonymous said...

can you do some les mis?
and 169 Ben Vaughan style??

Matthew V said...

In backwards order:
Lizzie, you know it! Although I'm trying to think of exactly what "Ben Vaughan style" consists in in this case. For those who don't know, Benjamin is one of my brothers.

Khris, that is definitely a cavaquinho, or a little guitar, anyway. It's called the Skylark, and came with me to camp because my regular guitar wouldn't fit in the plane cabin, and I don't have a case for it (too $$$).

And Jenni, you're sweet, and I'm working on Just Wait for you.