Tuesday, January 29, 2008

The Bath House Video

Drew, Megan, Steph and I went to a bath house in town that has a number of different seaweed baths and hot baths and cold baths and oil massages and foot massages, etc. They're all sex-segregated, so Drew and I soaked in the men's baths and Megan and Steph in the women's. This is us afterwards in our house-issued pyjamas eating the free midnight buffet. We're talking about the best way to cool down a glass of hot water. They only served hot water and we were all still steamy and red from the baths and not in the mood for it, so Drew asked the waitress for some ice (it was a much more complicated process than it sounds, trust me).

Steph was visiting from Montreal. I have some pictures of her visit up on Flickr.

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