Monday, January 28, 2008

Walking home by the river

I just got back to my apartment on Jianshebei Street. It's 3:30 in the morning. I watched the movie Philadelphia at Drew and Megan's apartment on the 17th floor and then walked home alone along the river, which was very still and very dark. The picture on the right shows a portion of the river at night, but all those lights go off at around one o'clock, and the riverside road becomes dark and very peaceful. I sang some some hyms and camp songs and some kid's songs and then just walked in silence. It's a cold winter in Chengdu, the coldest in 10 years, one friend told me. Tonight, however, was a good night for walking. The air was dry and so it didn't seem to cut through like usual, and the occasional quiet water sounds from the dark river made it feel like spring. That portion of the river is bordered by overhanging willows which keep their leaves all winter, and they make it feel very cozy and very tranquil.

1 comment:

Cameron L. Martindell said...

Nice. I've finally gotten myself out of the cold and now I'm basking in the glow that is southern Texas. Did you know about my roadtrip blog?
